Sometimes, especially when you're young, the decisions that affect your life are not in your own hands and you have to stand by and watch as your notion of how things should be is replaced by that of someone else.
One person's dream can be another person's nightmare and that is where Darcy and her father, Daniel, find themselves after a sudden and unexpected move to the outskirts of a small town called Barnacle Bay.
Missing her friends and her life back in Bridgeport, Darcy has trouble fitting in. To make matters worse something seems to be happening around her that she can’t explain, something that soon makes her new life very difficult.
With no one to turn to, except an unwished-for tag-along in the guise of a peculiar misfit called Martin, Darcy sets out to find answers.
This story is about family and friendship and of adjusting to change, whether wanted or unwanted. It’s about finding out who you are and learning where you belong.